
Admiring the Universe - a fine-art photographer based in Perthshire, Scotland, with interests in landscape, nature and astrophotography

IC1318: Gamma Cygni Emission Nebula

IC1318: Gamma Cygni Emission Nebula
For the past couple of years I've been using my simple refractor telescopes - easy to grab 'n' go. This year, the project is to swap back to the SkyWatcher 8" Quattro newtonian reflector, sort out a few optical issues, make it a viable imaging platform again.
This is a mere 2hr55 from the first night back in the game and I'm particularly impressed with the amount of signal and image quality (although there's a bit of work to be done on backfocus!).

This is a fragment of the Gamma Cygni emission nebulosity, an area generally known as the Sadr region although the star (1800ly distant) is unrelated to the nebulosity (4900ly distant). I was initially attracted to the large triangular patch slightly left of centre, but - typically - find the fine details more interesting - a line of dark nebulae zig-zagging its way diagonally down the middle of the frame, along with the warped shell fronts like knotted wool (evidence of supernova remnants).

IDAS NBZ dual-narrowband filter
Lights: 35 * 300s
Darks: 62 * 300s
Biases: 256
Flats: 8

The processing was a bit different. Given the area is mostly just Ha emission in red, I could have extracted that as a channel - but instead, I took the saturation channel out of the combined dual-narrowband OSC image, as it had epic contrast and detail - and then colourized it somewhere between DSS and red.


Camera: ISO:
Focal Length: mm (mm-e) Aperture: f/
Shutter Speed: s


GPS location: ,