
Admiring the Universe - a fine-art photographer based in Perthshire, Scotland, with interests in landscape, nature and astrophotography

M42 and De Mairan's Nebula

M42 and De Mairan's Nebula
The Orion Nebula, also known as M42, is a diffuse nebula located about 1,344 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Orion. It is a well-known stellar nursery, where new stars and planetary systems are forming from collapsing clouds of gas and dust. Spanning about 24 light-years in diameter, it is one of the closest and largest regions of massive star formation visible to us.

At the heart of M42 lies the Trapezium Cluster, a young open cluster of stars. This cluster consists of four main stars arranged in a trapezoid shape within a 1.5 light-year diameter. Two of these stars can be resolved into binaries, bringing the total to six visible stars in the cluster. These stars, along with many others in the nebula, are in the early stages of their evolution. The Trapezium Cluster is part of the larger Orion Nebula cluster, which includes about 2,800 stars spread over 20 light-years.

Near the top of the frame is Sh2-279, the Running Man reflection nebula.

All the surrounding dust and lanes of dark-nebulae are part of the Orion Molecular Cloud complex.

This was a moderately complicated image to make, being an HDR:
300 lights at 1s - for the stars, especially the trapezium cluster in the core
100 frames at 180s for the detail in the dust
20 frames at an intermediate 30s for a smooth blend
TI: 6.25hr

Processed in PixInsight: WBPP, BlurXterminator, ABE, SPCC, NoiseXterminator, HDRComposition, Seti Astro's Statistical Stretch; finished in Affinity (tonemapping, HSL, clarity).


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