
Admiring the Universe - a fine-art photographer based in Perthshire, Scotland, with interests in landscape, nature and astrophotography

Sh2-132 The Lion Nebula, Cepheus

Sh2-132 The Lion Nebula, Cepheus
Sh2-132, also known as the "Lion Nebula," is an emission nebula located in the constellation Cepheus. Part of the Sharpless catalog, a list ofH II regions—clouds of glowing gas where star formation occurs.

About 10,000ly distant and 250ly across, Sh2-132 is situated in the Perseus arm of the Milky Way.

The most prominent sources of ionization in Sh2-132 are two Wolf-Rayet stars, which are extremely hot and massive stars nearing the end of their lives. These stars emit intense stellar winds shaping the surrounding gas into intricate structures.

Another of those occasions where one tries to match the DSS image of the Ha emission pattern resembling a lion with how the data looks. Make the OIII too bright a blue and it becomes a cut-'n'-shut with the front and rear ends too separate... It's also about the fine veins and blobs of dark nebulae - lanes of dust in the foreground.

4hr35min total integration with the IDAS NBZ dual-narrowband (Ha + OIII) filter, from which I extracted the Ha & OIII data separately using APP and recombined in PI.


Camera: ISO:
Focal Length: mm (mm-e) Aperture: f/
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