
Admiring the Universe - a fine-art photographer based in Perthshire, Scotland, with interests in landscape, nature and astrophotography

The Best Aurora: Softly (1)

The Best Aurora: Softly (1)
Throughout the day there had been a vast number of alerts from solar flares and things. All the signs were good. In the evening I checked the weather forecasts and decided to be up at Sheriffmuir in time for dusk turning to night.
It was magical. The best aurora display I have ever seen. Starting early with just faint hints of grey-green to the east, fine like precipitation, but the magnetic field was so strong, the auroral arc passed clear overhead so the majority of the display was experienced facing south - something I've only ever seen once before a few months ago and could hardly believe. Greens and reds were clearly visible to the naked eye.
And I was most pleased to have caught the corona with its wonderful warped lines like curtains.

Sometimes you get garish green on black. This particular moment, however, seems softer, gentler, hazier and more delicate.


Camera: FUJIFILM X-H2 ISO: 1250
Focal Length: 9.1mm (14mm-e) Aperture: f/3.6
Shutter Speed: 6.5s


GPS location: 56.205354, -3.882544